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BREAK | Terminate a processing loop (e.g., WHILE, EACHROW) |
DATABASE | Define an ODBC database connection string |
DEFAULT | Define default values for "empty" variables |
DELETE | Execute an ODBC SQL DELETE statement |
EACHFILE, ENDFILE | Define a processing loop for a file directory listing |
EACHINPUT, ENDINPUT | Define a processing loop for each CGI input variable |
EACHMULTI, ENDMULTI | Define a processing loop for multiply-defined input variables |
EACHROW, ENDROW | Define formatting for each result row after a SELECT statement |
EXEC | Execute a system command or run a DOS program |
EXIT | Terminate the template file processing |
FORM | Generate a generic HTML data input form |
FORMAT | Define output format "masks" for variables |
FUNCTION, RETURN | Define a string function |
HEADER | Send an HTTP header to the browser |
HIDDEN | Generate <INPUT TYPE="hidden"> form fields to pass variables |
HTTPGET | Send an HTTP request using the "get" method |
HTTPPOST | Send an HTTP request using the "post" method |
IF, ELSE, ENDIF | Conditional test of variables |
IFNEW | Test an "ORDER BY" column in sorted result rows for new group |
IMPORT, ENDIMPORT | Read and process data variables from a text file |
INCLUDE | Read and process an additional template file |
INSERT | Execute an ODBC SQL INSERT statement |
INSERTFORM | Generate an automatic database insert form and SQL statement |
NOTE | Template comment, not output to browsers |
ONERR, ENDERR | Define an "error trap" to be executed if a processing error is encountered |
OPTIONLIST | Create an HTML "select option" list from a query or a given list of values |
OUTPUT | Write the output to a disk file |
QBE | Generate and execute a "query by example" SQL statement |
REDIRECT | Redirect user's browser to a different URL |
RETURNFILE | Send unprocessed file to the user's browser (e.g. an image file) |
SEARCH | Generate and execute a "keyword search" query |
SENDMAIL, ENDMAIL | Send the output as an e-mail message |
SESSION | Define session "persistent" variables |
SET | Set variable to value |
SETCOOKIE | Send a "cookie" to the user's Web browser |
SETMULTI | Set new instance of a multiply-defined variable (an array) |
SETOPTION | Set a processing option (e.g. date format) |
SHOWINPUT | Output a list of all CGI input variables |
SQL | Execute an ODBC SQL statement |
SELECT | Execute an ODBC SQL SELECT statement |
TABLE | Format SQL SELECT results as an HTML table |
TRACE, TRACEOFF | Show SET, IF, and SQL statements as they are executed (for debugging) |
TRANSLATE | Define a translation table for a variable |
UPDATE | Execute an ODBC SQL UPDATE statement |
UPDATEFORM | Generate an automatic database update form and SQL statement |
USER | Define user "persistent" variables |
VALIDATE | Verify that input data matches a "regular expression" pattern |
WHILE, ENDWHILE | Define a processing loop to be repeated while a condition is true |
$asc (number) | single ASCII character represented by number |
$cardType (string) | determine credit card type (issuer) |
$dateAdd (date, number_days, result_date_format [,units]) | add given number of days, months, or years to date and format result date |
$dateDiff (date_1, date_2) | calculate number of days between two dates |
$decrypt (string, key) | decrypt the string using the given key |
$encrypt (string, key) | encrypt the string using the given key |
$env (environment_variable) | value of environment variable |
$eval (expression) | evaluate expression |
$format (mask, expression) | format expression value using mask |
$httpGet (URL, [var,...]) | Execute HTTP "get" method request |
$httpPost (URL, [var,...]) | Execute HTTP "post" method request |
$hex (string) | convert string to hexadecimal |
$icase (string) | shift first character to uppercase, remaining characters to lowercase |
$if(test, iftrue [, iffalse]) | returns "iftrue" string if test is "true", else "iffalse" string |
$lcase (string) | shift string to all lowercase characters |
$left (string, count) | leftmost substring |
$ljust(string, length) | left justify in fixed-length field |
$match(string, pattern) | substring matching "regular expression" pattern |
$memo (string) | format string for HTML, end-of-line to <BR> double end-of-line to <P> |
$mid (string, start [,count]) | middle substring |
$nbsp (variable) | value of varable or code if no value |
$newFileName (path [,prefix]) | get unique name for creating a new file |
$pwd (string) | "one way encrypt" string |
$rand (mod) | returns a pseudo-random number as a character string |
$repl (string, find1=replace1 [, find2=replace2, ...]) | replace one or more substrings with new substrings |
$reverseDNS (IP_address) | Look up domain name for IP address |
$right (string, count) | rightmost substring |
$rjust(string, length) | right justify in fixed-length field |
$split (variable, delimiters) | split a variable's value in two at given delimiter character(s) |
$trim (string) | remove leading and trailing spaces |
$ucase (string) | shift all characters to uppercase |
$url (string) | encode for URL transmission |
$var (variable_name) | value of ODBiC variable (without "$" around name) |
$varstr (variable_name) | like $var, but does not resolve embedded variables |
$wcase (string) | shift first character of every word to uppercase, remainder to lowercase |
With $ in front of a function name, it operates as a string function with a single number returned.
abs (number) | absolute value (positive number) |
char (string, characters) | position in "string" of the first occurrence of any one of the "characters" |
cos (angle) | trigonometric cosine |
createFile (filename) | create a new file, return "true" if created |
deleteFile (filename) | delete a file, return "true" if deleted |
fileExists(filename) | "true" if named file exists |
exp (number) | exponential value |
int(number) | force to integer (truncate fractional part) |
isCreditCard (string) | "true" if given string is valid credit card number format |
isAlpha (string) | "true" if string is all alphabetic characters |
isAlphaNum (string) | "true" if string is all alphanumeric characters |
isNumber (string) | "true" if string is a valid number |
len (string) | length of string |
log (number) | "natural" (base-e) logarithm |
log10 (number) | base-10 logarithm |
match(string, pattern) | postition in string of "regular expression" pattern match |
max (number1, number2) | larger of number1 or number2 |
min (number1, number2) | smaller of number1 or number2 |
mod (number, mod) | modulus (remainder after division) |
pos (string1, string2) | postion in string1 of string2 |
rand (mod) | pseudo-random number |
renameFile (filename, newfilename) | rename a file, return "true" if rename succeeded |
round(number, factor | round number to nearest multiple of factor |
sin (angle) | trigonometric sine |
tan (angle) | trigonometric tangent |
- Upload files from a user's system through a Web page.
- Run "offline" (from MS-DOS command line) and write output files to disk.
- Define a default template to be used when no other template is specified (for example, a generic "execute input SQL statement" template).
today | Current date in the format "Month DD, YYYY", where "Month" is the full name of the current month, "DD" is the one- or two-digit day of the month, and "YYYY" is the four-digit year |
date_short | Current date in the format MM-DD-YYYY, where "MM" is the number of the current month, "DD" is the number of the day, and "YYYY" is the four-digit year |
date_ymd | Current date in the format YYYYMMDD, where "YYYY" is the four-digit year, "MM" is the number of the current month, and "DD" is the number of the day |
year | Current year, four digits |
month | Current month, one or two digits. (Use $format("0#", $month$) to force two digits) |
day | Day number in current month, one or two digits (Use $format("0#", $day$) to force two digits) |
monthname | Full name of current month (e.g., "September") |
weekday | Full name of current day of week (e.g., "Monday") |
time | Current 12-hour clock time in the format HH:MMam or HH:MMpm, where "HH" is the hour and "MM" is the minute |
time24 | Current 24-hour clock time in the format HH:MM, where "HH" is the hour and "MM" is the minute |
row | Current result row number after a SELECT statement |
rows_affected | Number of rows affected by an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE SQL statement |
sql_status | The status of the SQL operation (interpretation depends on operation): -2 = no rows selected/affected; -1 = SQL execution error; 0 = SELECT or DDL succeeded; 1 = one or more rows affected by INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. |
sql_statement | The last executed SQL statement, with all variables expanded |
sql_error | Error message returned by ODBC driver after SQL execution (or may say "No rows selected" after a valid SELECT, or "### rows affected" after a valid INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE) |
importrow | Current input line number in an IMPORT loop |
multirow | Current variable number in an EACHMULTI loop |
path_info | Any "extra path" directory information after the "odbic.exe" in the URL that invoked ODBiC. This should be the template file. (Example: if the URL was "http://www.yourdomain.com/scripts/odbic.exe/your_dir/template1.odb" then "path_info" contains "/your_dir/template1.odb" and the input template file is expected to be "template1.odb" on subdirectory "your_dir".) If the invoking URL does not specify this "path_info", then a variable named "input" must be passed in to ODBiC to name the template file |
path_translated | If any directory information is provided after the odbic.exe URL (i.e., any "path_info"), then this is the full file system directory path after it has been "mapped" by the Web server |
script_name | The path to the odbic.exe CGI program (e.g., "/scripts/odbic.exe") from the invoking URL. (Useful for creating forms in the template file that will invoke ODBiC, rather than "hard-coding" the URL.) |
http_referer | The URL of the document that was used to invoke ODBiC |
server_name | Internet node name of the host system (i.e., the system that ODBiC is running on) |
remote_host | Host that the user is running on (may be node name, but commonly is numeric Internet address) |
remote_addr | Internet numeric address (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn) that the user is running on |
http_cookie | HTTP cookie string input by browser. All cookies sent are in this string in the form of "name=value" with multiple cookies separated by semi-colons. (Each cookie is also set up as a named "default" variable, so this string is not required to use cookies.) |